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Member Hotel
Unique Stays
How to become a member hotel?
We select our hotels with a detailed criteria to guarantee the best quality to our clients.
We are looking for small, boutique and unique hotels that give more than simple stay.
Having an excellence service is a demand to our collection, such as bathroom in the room, and breakfast included. We value minimalist and unique decoration.
The process
1. You make the request and we check the website, social media and online reviews. You may be asked about the services or additional questions.
2. If your hotel is selected to our collection, we will contact you to make a recognition visit to your hotel that should include a meal and a night for two people, so we can identify the concept (Nature & Spirit; Historic & Tradition and Cosmo).
3. After de visit, we make a report, with the concept identified and suggestions to your hotel.
4. If we believe your hotel is really a Unique Stays, you will be apart of our collection.

How do we work
1. To be apart of our collection you have a membership fee of 250€ valid for two years.
2. We always send you an email confirming prices and availability to confirm the reservation. As we want to make this process the most personalized and efficient, we ask you to be aware of our emails and try to respond on time.
3. We are always supporting the hotels with exclusive programs and campaigns.
4. We are a soft brand from the company TH2, so we will probably offer you great deals on our services.
You can count on our team ;)

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